WHAT IF… it could be simple?

WHAT IF… it could be simple?

What if making money doing work you love could be easy and enjoyable?

We tell ourselves stories that making money is hard. That work is a struggle. That picking up the phone, or speaking to that group, or emailing that person is difficult!


Our brains like to keep us safe. It’s in our DNA. So we tend to create dramatic thoughts that keep us from achieving our dreams.

Well guess what…

We have power over those thoughts! 
We have the power to make things simple!

And my job as a coach is to show you how it can be simple, it can be easy, AND it can be enjoyable.

What is the thought or belief holding you back from taking action? 

Is it that you don’t have enough experience? Money? Time? Or maybe you’re too old, or too young?

What if you didn’t have to believe those thoughts… what if they were optional?

If you are procrastinating on taking action, doing that thing outside you comfort zone, going after that job you don’t think you’re qualified for, or starting that business you’re not sure you can make money in but you can’t stop thinking about it…
I have news for you:

Your negative thoughts are optional!

So take that negative disempowering thought and flip it on it’s head.

The solution to take inspired action is to believe in a thought that is going to motivate and inspire you to do something different. 

That inner critic in your head is not the one in charge. They might be trying to protect you from risky situations, but it’s okay to take risks.. that’s how we learn and grow!

What if you DO have enough experience? What if you DO have enough money? What if you HAVE PLENTY of time and you ARE the perfect age?

What if the opposite of your limiting thought was true? 

How would you show up then? 

P.S. Need help working through some of those internal blocks? That’s exactly what we do in my 1:1 coaching. Find out more HERE.

Lauryn HillComment