Wednesday, October 20th - “Hunter’s Full Moon” or “Blood Moon” in Aries.

My dad is a hunter and it’s deer season right now, so that means he’s taking trips to be with nature and welcome the opportunity to bring back food for his family and friends. I know some of you may be vegetarian, and honestly I don’t eat much meat myself, but this ritual of going out to hunt down your own food is a very primal, creative and spiritual act in my eyes. A long time ago… before we had access to food being delivered to our doorstep at all hours of the day, we would have to plan ahead for the long winter months where food was more scarce. That meant intentionally prioritizing activities so that one would not starve.

These days, many people are privileged to have a choice in prioritizing fun and what lights them up over their basic survival needs. Aren’t we so lucky! AND there are so many fun things that light us up and we want to do them all RIGHT NOW!!

This full moon on Wednesday reminds us to take inventory of our most impactful goals and what intentional actions will truly move us towards them. How can we plan for our future with surrender, while continuing to let go of old patterns, behaviors, and beliefs that no longer serve us? Just like the autumn trees surrender, letting go of their leaves not knowing for sure if they will ever grow new ones again.

Here is a short guided mediation by Jessica Snow called Aries from her book ‘Dreamworld’ to help you visualize the important dreams that your soul is being called to create. I’ve included some journaling prompts for you to use afterward. These prompts will help clarify your goals so that you can start taking actions and align with your soul’s mission.

Lauryn Hill