“As a result of our coaching work I have become a more confident individual and have an overall greater sense of purpose. I know how to better attract new opportunities for work and expand my creative community.”
— Alexa, UX/UI Designer and Photographer
“One of the things I love about working with Lauryn is that I can openly talk about my situations without feeling judged - it’s a comfortable space and I look forward to the sessions.
Some of the biggest insight I’ve had while working together is that 1. I don’t have to make so many lists to start work. 2. Not all work has to have a hidden meaning, it can simply look pretty sometimes. 3. I’m able to recognize when I’m procrastinating and not scratch the itch of having to re-work something (when it’s already finished) and to leave it alone and move on!”
— Brianna, Graphic Designer
“During our time working together I was able to commit to a weekly newsletter and content plan, I reached out to collaborators which resulted in my prints getting stocked in a local shop, and landing client work for editorial illustrations. I also completed my first zine, printed and assembled it myself, and sold 20+ copies.
Because of 1:1 coaching with Lauryn I now dwell less frequently on negative thoughts and make more effort to pause, observe my feelings, and think of alternative thoughts to detach from the previous negative spirals.
I also feel less dependent on social media for validation in regards to my art, and have become a more confident person who believes in the worth of my own voice and inquiry.”
— Carolyn, Writer, Illustrator and Software Engineer
“The most beneficial thing I learned while working with Lauryn is that I work better when I set a few achievable goals that allow me to explore or produce results. Often, when I become interested in a career or field, I research and talk to a couple of people in the field and then make a hasty decision. My mindset has shifted to embrace learning and not put extra pressure on myself that this is my final choice/end pathway.”
— Megan, Career Changer from HR to Cyber Security
“One of the biggest take-aways from working with Lauryn was that I’m awesome and I’ve always been awesome. I realized that I work hard and get a lot of stuff done and do cool projects. I am making strides in my work and I am growing.
A big shift as a result from coaching is that I have been feeling really grateful for my life both in and outside of work. Things that have caused me anxiety in the past I’m choosing to look at from a different perspective. Also, my feelings around time have shifted, and I have more work-life balance.”
— Michelle, Photographer & Director Commercial / Editorial