About Me
I’m Lauryn, a CAreer coach for creatives who is dedicated to Helping you Tap into your creative gifts and become the person you most aspire to be.
A little bit more about me:
I’m a small town Napa Valley girl who relocated in Los Angeles in 2015 with big dreams, a compassionate heart and a smile as bright as the sun. I moved to LA after finding an account management position at the international art book publisher TASCHEN. Before that I had worked for six years as a fine art consultant selling millions of dollars of art at AERENA GALLERIES in Napa and was ready for something more challenging, so the ladder-climbing corporate career seemed like the right move.
After a few years of loving my cushy, globe trotting, boss babe career in publishing, I continued to hear a voice inside me that yearned for something more… something more ME. That’s when Curated Splash was born. I decided to get my coaching certification and devote myself to creating my dream business. Curated Splash is meant to be a platform to share the tools that have helped me transform fear into fuel and become my most confident, creative, and authentic self. And now after 10 years in LA and 5 years into my coaching business, I relocated back to the beautiful Napa Valley.
My journey
…has not been easy! I’ve been in some dark places, felt hopeless and lost yet somehow managed to put my shame and embarrassment aside to ask for help. The first major place I asked for support was when I got sober in 2014. Through this experience I discovered a life changing realization: when you stop making excuses, take 100% responsibility for your life and humbly reach out for help, life becomes much easier.
Now don’t get me wrong, change doesn’t just happen over night. It takes dedication, humility and repetitive showing up to things that might make you feel awkward or uncomfortable. But that’s where the real magic happens and the rewards are profound and extraordinary.
I’ve always had this insatiable curiosity about the human experience and been driven by a knowing of a mission much larger than myself. I see potential in every person I meet and truly believe we each have it within ourselves to live a happy and fulfilling life.
A few more things about me -
I studied Illustration in college and have always found comfort and transcendence in design, drawing, writing and collaging. For as long as I can remember I’ve kept journals of visions and insight that have helped me gain clarity on my own fears, self doubts, dreams, desires and life purpose. I view art as a vehicle for inner growth and manifestation.
Being creative is our birth right and I find that many of us want to be creative, but don’t know how or haven’t made time to cultivate it in their lives. I want to make being creative easy and fun for more people, so when you sign up for my newsletter, I will regularly email you invites to unique events, printable coloring book pages, journal prompts, bookmarks, desktop backgrounds, and iPhone home screen images so that you can engage with your artsy side!
My favorite artist of all time is Mark Ryden. I love his work because it is the perfect representation of subconscious thoughts and emotions depicted through fantastical symbolism and pop culture references. It showcases the depth of our light and dark sides with a childlike essence that is unexpected and humorous, just like real life can be. I highly recommend checking out his work HERE or viewing THIS article from HI-Fructose Magazine.