Let’s unlock that next level success, shall we?
Explore whether 6 Months of coaching is the right next step for you AND see if we’re a good fit to work together.
What to expect during your Consultation?
During your free 60-minute consultation we will:
1. Create a crystal clear vision of the work you want to be doing, and figure out what’s needed to make it happen.
2. Uncover hidden challenges that may be keeping you from going after your dreams.
3. Discuss next steps and decide if 6 months of 1:1 coaching is a good fit for you.
Leave the session feeling grounded, confident, and energized by your next steps towards making money doing work that you love. There's nothing to prepare - you can bring a notebook to take notes.
It’s the perfect amount of strategy and accountability, with a side of your personal cheerleader (that’s me!)
You’ll learn how to…
- OWN YOUR OWN SCHEDULE by zeroing in on needle moving tasks, setting realistic goals, and showing up consistently to complete projects.
- EXPAND YOUR PORTFOLIO TO STAND OUT by utilizing your strengths and passions and giving yourself space to experiment.
- REACH THE RIGHT PEOPLE with a networking system that is intuitive, fun, and that excites you to reach out and connect.
- CASH IN ON CREATIVE WORK by getting more eyeballs on your work, and enjoying the art of selling your products and services.
- MAKE AN IMPACT with an authentic confidence and creativity that inspires others to be bold and go after their dreams.
Here’s what you get inside 1:1 Coaching:
In our first foundational session together we map out your 3 main goals for the 6 months together and create a step-by-step plan to achieve them. Then we zero in on which goal/s feels the most urgent and important for right now so that we can get to work to create massive momentum forward. You leave with clarity, direction, and an action plan from Day 1.
This is all organized with your notes from each session in a customized shared document that we use to track your progress. We use this document weekly to track your wins, check in with your goals, work through any obstacles, and strategize action steps forward. You also have access to my customized income tracker, to see and plan your numbers with more ease.
6 months of 1:1 weekly 55 minute coaching calls (24 sessions total). This is High-Level Coaching and Mentorship with weekly accountability to celebrate all your successes and successfully navigate any obstacles that your career or life bring your way. This is a supportive space for you to unravel any fears or doubts that show up and create a simple plan to move through them and achieve your goals.
Together we will review key aspects of your tangibles such as portfolio, offer, price/income goals, website, resume, cover letters, social media, right through to your marketing and sales strategy to ensure your work gets noticed & stands out.
Between sessions, you have email support for:
Troubleshooting challenges
Asking questions
Getting encouragement & celebrating wins
You never have to second-guess your decisions again—we adjust, troubleshoot, and refine as you go.
Don’t WAIT for the right moment… DECIDE POWERFULLY to make this moment RIGHT.
No more need to second guess yourself.