What to do when you're a creative who’s on the verge of burnout

Do you ever get bursts of energy and motivation and then add anything and everything to your schedule, only to wake up 3 weeks later and be incapable of getting yourself out of bed?


Why does this happen… and better yet, what can you do when you are on the verge of burnout to ensure that you bounce back quicker?

The first thing I’d like to point out is the difference between hard work and hustle.

These two things may seem very similar, but the mindsets underneath them are very different.

Hard work comes from passion, love, and inspiration.

Hustle comes from insufficiency, fear, and a lack mentality.

Hard work makes me think of the mother that wakes up early to make her kids lunch, drives them to school, goes to work all day, and still has the energy to spend time together in the evening when they want to read a book or play hide-and-seek because it fills her with so much joy.

On the other hand, hustle for me shows up as… saying yes to all the free consultations coming in even when they aren’t aligned, overbooking myself with events, staying out too late with friends, telling my part-time employer that I can work 5 days in a row when I’m used to just 2-3 days, and taking on a dog sitting job that I don’t have the room for.

Hard work leads to growing your capacity for what you thought was possible.

Hustle leads to burnout.

So what can you do when you get yourself to the point of exhaustion, overwhelm, and the inability to remove your body from bed?

Here are my top tips for what to do when the burnout is fast approaching (or already kicked into high gear):

  1. Take a personal day

    I know it seems difficult to take a day off when you don't have a fever or you aren't throwing up… but sometimes in order to prevent getting to the point of physical illness, you're better off taking a day to reset.

  2. Self-care

    Self-care looks different for everyone and every mood. Sometimes your body might be craving laying in the grass staring at the sky with your favorite song blasting in your headphones, and sometimes you might desire ice cream and a rom-com.

    It’s helpful to think of the end result to understand what you crave. Ask yourself, “Do I want to nourish myself with a healthy meal and nature or do I just need to zone out and eat some freaking sugar?” There’s no wrong way to do self-care as long as you are checking in with your needs and coming from a place of love for yourself.

  3. Cry it out

    Let’s be real, sometimes we just need a good old fashion cry. Overwhelm can be really taxing on our nervous system. Overdoing from a place of insufficiency and that lack mentality can be a lot to process. One thing to remember through the discomfort is that every breakdown is an opportunity for a breakthrough.

  4. Perspective shifts with power thoughts

    When we get to the verge of burnout, the negative thoughts and feelings can be a bit overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to keep a list of supportive power thoughts to help guide you through difficult times and give your brain a shift of focus.

Here are a few of my favorites:

💕 This is so so hard, and I chose to be soft with myself

💕 I can handle this, I’ve got this

💕 This is only temporary

💕 This is so so demanding, and I am so so emotionally capable

💕 Nothing has gone wrong, it is safe to rest

💕 Doing new things takes courage and I am brave

As you continue to grow and strive for bigger and better goals in your life, or even when you get knocked down by heartache and betrayal, it’s important to check in and take time to deeply care for yourself.

Because when your needs are taken care of, that’s when you’re at your highest capacity to be of service to others.

Plus, the world needs what you have to offer!

You are magical 🦄

And if you need help with this process and want to put an end to the cycle of burnout so you can make more magic happen in your life and career, send me a message and 👉🏼 Let’s chat.

Or better yet, sign up for a free 60 minute Career Strategy Consultation

Lauryn Hill