Neurons That Fire Together Wire Together


Have you ever heard the statement “neurons that fire together wire together“?

This is a process that explains why when we think a certain way we are literally training our brain to think that way with more ease.

The brain is a muscle and just like any muscle in the body the more we use different areas of that muscle the stronger those areas get.

You’re strengthening the neural pathways for negativity every time you complain because your brain is adapting to what it believes is your preferred method of thinking.

Your thoughts are literally shaping your brain.

So what is the solution?

🦋 Awareness. Just start notice your thoughts and how often they lean toward negativity.

🦋Learn how to sit with your feelings without creating too much story around them.

🦋 Be present with your feelings to allow them to leave your body.

🦋 Get physical - put on some music and dance, or do a workout

🦋Listen to an inspirational podcast or YouTube video or read a uplifting book

🦋 Look for things you can be appreciative of or grateful for.

🦋 Train yourself to complain with purpose.

We all need to vent from time to time so when you have something that is complain-worthy, try to utilize solution oriented complaining.

When you intend to create solutions, your brain looks for possibilities which will shift you out habitual negative thought patterning.

Change takes time, so be gentle with yourself!

Just like you wouldn’t expect to become a body builder or pro athlete over night, your brain’s rewiring is a process.

The more you shift your perspective, the more your perspective shifts.

P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about how to retrain your brain so that feeling empowered is more automatic, this is exactly what we do in 1:1 coaching. Send me a message if you want to learn more!

Lauryn Hill