2023 Year In Review + New Year Intention Setting
Entrepreneur life continues to be one of the most challenging and fulfilling experiences of my life.
I quit my corporate job in 2021 to step into my coaching business full time without much of a plan and in 2022 I quieted my ego and got a part time job working retail at TASCHEN in Beverly Hills.
That turned out to be such a blessing not only financially, but also for my nervous system.
In 2023 I really leaned into the expansive belief that money can flow to me from unexpected and unlimited places, which enabled me to bring in a total revenue for the year (from coaching and multiple side gigs) around the same amount I used to make in corporate.
In 2023 I also leaned into the belief that “I can handle more”.
And looking back, that’s truly what I did last year.
My journal from January 2023.
At the end or beginning of each year I do a review and intention setting practice. The questions have evolved over the years, but here’s the basic outline that I follow:
Create a list of gratitudes and celebrations for 2023
Moved into a gorgeous new apartment near Venice under $2K a month
Co-hosted and recorded Season 5 of Art Is… a podcast for artists at TASCHEN store in Beverly Hills with Isotta Page (client and fellow artist)
Worked the LA Art Show selling work for 4 talented artists including longtime friend and talented sculptor Giuseppe Palumbo who organized and curated the booth
Went to Bottle Rock Music Festival in Napa for the first time with my brother
Went on trips to Tahoe, Seattle, Cabo, and Laguna with my family and besties
Joined the Venice Chamber (which I was terrified to do lol) and won a free ride in a Waymo driverless car - so fun!
Started teaching creative writing, visual arts, and career coaching classes for Vic James Center
Sold my first paintings and commissions
Had the biggest Birthday party to date
Got to coach amazing new clients and hosted 5 online and 2 in person workshops
Was interviewed on Present Moment Recovery Podcast about my journey in sobriety and work with Vic James Center
First booth at an Art Market to sell my art and products
Got better at tracking my finances and took over my bookkeeping
Switched from 2 newsletters a month to 4, plus wrote 1 blog every month.
Got a gym membership and worked out with a training group in the park
Feeling more courageous and confident overall
Assess 2023 - what didn't work & what would you like to do differently going forward?
What limiting beliefs about yourself do you want to leave behind?
My diet and physical activity were way up and down. I struggled with stomach issues and really bad lower back/menstrual pain this year. And even though I felt sick (and occasionally worried I was dying) I told myself that I can still show up to things even when I don’t feel 100%.
This is really where I realized that I can handle more even if I’m not feeling well. Burnout is a very serious and real thing, and I know I’m capable of working really hard and pushing myself to accomplish really big goals.
Another thing I noticed very subtly in 2023 is that things were taking longer than I wanted them to on the creation side of my business.
While talking this out with my coach, she helped me discover that I’ve been editing myself because I have fear that the way I speak is inadequate. In my mind I judge my speech for being too slow, choppy, and nonlinear.
This was a HUGE breakthrough for me in November and I’m working on shifting my focus to the idea that:
You get better at something by doing it before you feel like a pro.
By showing up authentically as me with my natural pace of speaking and all my quirks, I attract the people who are naturally vibe with that type of speaking style - which happens to be my target audience!
For 2024 - what are your desires, intentions, outcomes:
What do you want to create? What do you value? How can you be more authentically you? What traits or characteristics do you want to bring into the new year?
More travel
More cooking and baking
More in person events
More art
More exercise and body movement
More nature
More friends
More fun
More clients
More stretching beyond what I think is possible
More love
More self forgiveness
More beauty
More feeling connected
More feeling grateful
More awe
What thoughts can you think to empower yourself to embody those characteristics?
I can be bold in a bigger way.
I don’t need to edit myself, I’m perfectly imperfect the way I am with all my quirks.
I’m willing to feel awkward and do it any way - that’s the best way to learn.
The way I speak attracts people who enjoy my energy.
I can have more fun with being awkward.
The right people will love my authentic self.
I can be more authentically me when I let go of “should” and decide what I prefer.
I don't need to explain myself.
What inspired action steps can you take now or ASAP?
Make more unedited content and workshops.
Host a workshop without a script! JOIN ME JANUARY 18th on Zoom to set your own intentions for the New Year!
The biggest thing I learned from doing this exercise is that I have had the tendency to worry about and focus on what’s lacking (money, clients, boyfriend, etc.) and how I feel like I’m NOT where I want to be.
As much as I teach about mindset work and how focusing on lack creates more lack, because of my programming and some traumatic events from my past, it's been difficult for me to break free from this habitual way of thinking.
After reviewing all the magical events and experiences that took place in 2023, I realized that there’s something much more powerful that I could be focusing my thoughts and attention on to take me out of lack and into what really fills my heart and soul:
Creating new and enjoyable experiences that make me feel alive and challenge me to get outside my comfort zone in different ways.
So in 2024 I have the intention to:
Be bold and unwavering in my belief that everything is always working out for the expansion of my consciousness and there is beauty all around me even in the challenging moments.
I hope you take some time to celebrate and reflect on the past year as well as set some intentions for the year ahead.
This is an exercise that you can keep coming back to, and it’s the foundation of how I approach each coaching call with my 1:1 clients.
Clients come to each session with 3 celebrations, then we assess and discuss obstacles and create solutions to get them to where they want to go.
The result is creating more of what you do want, and less of what you don’t want.
And it works.
Each week, each month, and each year.
Want to join me on this journey to becoming the person that is living proof that if you dream it, you can do it?
👉🏼 Work with me in 2024: Book a free consult call NOW!